Short Executive Status (Summary) -- Blog is below

Active Tumors:
5+ liver tumors -- largest is 7 cm by 5.2 cm (70 x 52 mm), Gold tracers inserted Nov 21 for CyberKnife x-ray 3D movement tracking. Thu Dec 1st,2011, CyberKnife planning. Dec 16th, treatment 1/3 done to whole liver. Dec 19th, treatment 2/3 done to whole liver. Dec 21st, treatment 3 failed, couldn't get tracer alignment. Dec 22nd, treatment 2.5/3 done using 2 of 4 tracers. Final 0.5 treatment was to be done Tue Dec 27th. Cancelled due to complications and hospitalization.

12 lung tumors -- largest is 8 mm in size (0.8 cm)

1 lymph node tumor -- near left renal vein & artery of left kidney (1.4 cm). Nov 14th: Ultrasound done of both kidneys and bladder area, all 3 areas are cancer free.

» 3rd-8th brain tumors -- 6 new brain tumors. Sizes all less than 5mm(0.5cm). Some as small as 2mm(0.2cm). Full brain radiation or CyberKnife TBD in Jan after 2nd MRI to see speed of growth.

Inactive Tumors:
» 2nd brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife Sep 29/2011, 5 mm in size (0.5 cm).
» 1st brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife May/2011, was 20 mm in size (2 cm). Nov 21st, still showing brain tissue swelling, but not active.
» Original Esophogeal Cancer tumor (source of everything) -- Surgically removed June/2010 by 3-field Esophogectomy. Was roughly large egg sized.

[ Note: 2.54 cm = 25.4mm = 1 inch ]

5 pictures included in album

2011_11_16, Shane in BIG CHAIR

Link to 34 surgery June 2010 pictures and some post surgery shots.

Latest Picture

Latest Picture
Shane - 2011_11_27, Photo Shoot lighting prep

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Portacath installed today

New Port
I had a portacath (aka port) installed today. They gave me a Bard Power Port model which is a newer model that can take "more" than the average port, like CT scan die etc. A port will act like a substitute vein for me, so that they can stop poking my veins and bursting them (since I have small veins, it happened more than it should). A port is an improvement over a PICC line as I can shower normally with a port (PICC required covering the site with a plastic bag and elastics) and a port will not require weekly bandage replacement (no bandages, except for the first week of healing, see image below, port is below the skin and will just be a bump).

The port, once I heal, will just look like a bump under the skin. Here's a Google image of a port I found in a male chest that "may" be representative (I won't know until mine heals) of what mine might look like... minus the nice muscled chest of course. ;-)

Upcoming Radiation Surgery (CyberKnife)
My CyberKnife treatment is scheduled for this Friday, May 06. Yay! Click the CyberKnife link to get detailed information about CyberKnife. There are only 3 in Canada, and the Juravinski Cancer Center where I've been receiving treatment for the past year is one of them, so no travel. Yay!

So in a few hours, the tumor will be dead. There will be residual swelling from the treatment and "possible" side effects (like another seizure) due to swelling until the brain calms down from the procedure. This recovery could take a few days.

My family and I will not be available over the weekend. It will be a time of rest.

Dexamethasone (the anti swelling steroid) is evil! I can't sleep properly (won't let me get more than 4-5 hrs sleep in a night), it is causing fungus growth (aka thrush) in my throat, lungs and acne on back/chest. It has caused a blister/water sack on one eye's retina so that I have slightly impaired (annoying, but not true impairment) vision in that eye. This has impaired my moods, judgement, disposition. I can't wait for the radiation treatment to be over so that I can get OFF of Dexamethasone! *** End of Rant.


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