Short Executive Status (Summary) -- Blog is below

Active Tumors:
5+ liver tumors -- largest is 7 cm by 5.2 cm (70 x 52 mm), Gold tracers inserted Nov 21 for CyberKnife x-ray 3D movement tracking. Thu Dec 1st,2011, CyberKnife planning. Dec 16th, treatment 1/3 done to whole liver. Dec 19th, treatment 2/3 done to whole liver. Dec 21st, treatment 3 failed, couldn't get tracer alignment. Dec 22nd, treatment 2.5/3 done using 2 of 4 tracers. Final 0.5 treatment was to be done Tue Dec 27th. Cancelled due to complications and hospitalization.

12 lung tumors -- largest is 8 mm in size (0.8 cm)

1 lymph node tumor -- near left renal vein & artery of left kidney (1.4 cm). Nov 14th: Ultrasound done of both kidneys and bladder area, all 3 areas are cancer free.

» 3rd-8th brain tumors -- 6 new brain tumors. Sizes all less than 5mm(0.5cm). Some as small as 2mm(0.2cm). Full brain radiation or CyberKnife TBD in Jan after 2nd MRI to see speed of growth.

Inactive Tumors:
» 2nd brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife Sep 29/2011, 5 mm in size (0.5 cm).
» 1st brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife May/2011, was 20 mm in size (2 cm). Nov 21st, still showing brain tissue swelling, but not active.
» Original Esophogeal Cancer tumor (source of everything) -- Surgically removed June/2010 by 3-field Esophogectomy. Was roughly large egg sized.

[ Note: 2.54 cm = 25.4mm = 1 inch ]

5 pictures included in album

2011_11_16, Shane in BIG CHAIR

Link to 34 surgery June 2010 pictures and some post surgery shots.

Latest Picture

Latest Picture
Shane - 2011_11_27, Photo Shoot lighting prep

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mon Apr 26 - The plan

Good news and bad news today. 

Had a PET/CT scan (both) this morning. They combine them for a much greater detailed 3D image of my insides to see what's really going on.

Good news
No direct radiation therapy required at this time. I'm able to swallow, so long as I chew properly, so they don't have to make the esophagus hole bigger with a direct zap to the affected area.

Bad news
Chemotherapy confirmed for 9 weeks starting next week, Wed May 5th. Followed by the aforementioned surgery. This will involve 3 separate chemo drugs. I'll have 3 direct injections of drugs, once per 3 week and days between injections will be administered with twice a day chemo pills. I'll be given prescription anti-nauseants and steroids to prevent nausia because apparently without it I WOULD throw up the pill, guarenteed.

Chemo will hopefully reduce the size and affected area of the cancer and kill areas they may not yet be aware of. The chemo is also required because some lymph nodes near my esophagus are slightly enlarged, meaning they are fighting something and it may be the cancer, so the cancer may not be just contained to the esophagus wall. The PET/CT combo scan will reveal more of its exact location.

New Appointment Dates:
Kaye and I will need some baby sitting for these:
  • May 4th 9:15am to 12:00(ish): Lab work, Chemo 101 course, Dr. Dhesy-Thind consult.
    • Kaye's folks have the morning covered.
  • May 5th Wed 10am to (late afternoon, 6 to 8 hrs): First round of Chemo injections + observation.
    • Shane's parents have the kid pick-up covered.
  • Pre-Op clinic on May 4th is canceled because the tentative surgery on May 11th is also canceled.
  • May 6th consult with Dr. John Miller is cancelled. Dr. Dhesy-Thind is taking over as doctor in charge during the chemo stage.
 Chemo medication (for those that care about this sort of thing):
  • Epirubicin (aka Pharmorubicin®) - red coloured injection
  • Cisplatin (aka Platinol AQ®) - clear, colourless injection
  • Capecitabine (aka Xeloda®) - tablets. I'll be receiving the 150 mg variety instead of the 500 or 1000 mg variants. Therefore my symptoms will not be as severe (hopefully) as people receiving the larger doses. I still might loose some hair though. I'm planning to shave it off so I won't care...
-- Shane


  1. Charlene d'Eon-WeisApril 26, 2010 at 4:06 PM

    Hi Shane, I mentioned to Kaye that I don't live very far from the hospital. If you ever have wait time between appointments and don't want to hang out at the hospital you guys are welcome to come to my house. Also, Kaye is more than welcome to spend the night here when you are in for your surgery, that way she doesn't have very far to go back. Take care, Charlene (Gennum, test dept)

  2. Thanks Charlene. That's appreciated. Kaye may take you up on your offer a few months from now. We'll see.

  3. Liane Emata HarrisApril 26, 2010 at 5:58 PM

    Hello Shane, good to hear that there is a specific plan for your treatment now. That is good that they are able to start you right away too. You may need to keep your blender busy to make it easier to eat. We continue to have you and your family in our prayers.

  4. The Change WarriorMay 4, 2010 at 10:07 AM

    So how was chemo 101? Tell us what you learned.

    Also, what do the doctors recommend as the best way family/friends can support you while you go through the chemo?
