Short Executive Status (Summary) -- Blog is below

Active Tumors:
5+ liver tumors -- largest is 7 cm by 5.2 cm (70 x 52 mm), Gold tracers inserted Nov 21 for CyberKnife x-ray 3D movement tracking. Thu Dec 1st,2011, CyberKnife planning. Dec 16th, treatment 1/3 done to whole liver. Dec 19th, treatment 2/3 done to whole liver. Dec 21st, treatment 3 failed, couldn't get tracer alignment. Dec 22nd, treatment 2.5/3 done using 2 of 4 tracers. Final 0.5 treatment was to be done Tue Dec 27th. Cancelled due to complications and hospitalization.

12 lung tumors -- largest is 8 mm in size (0.8 cm)

1 lymph node tumor -- near left renal vein & artery of left kidney (1.4 cm). Nov 14th: Ultrasound done of both kidneys and bladder area, all 3 areas are cancer free.

» 3rd-8th brain tumors -- 6 new brain tumors. Sizes all less than 5mm(0.5cm). Some as small as 2mm(0.2cm). Full brain radiation or CyberKnife TBD in Jan after 2nd MRI to see speed of growth.

Inactive Tumors:
» 2nd brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife Sep 29/2011, 5 mm in size (0.5 cm).
» 1st brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife May/2011, was 20 mm in size (2 cm). Nov 21st, still showing brain tissue swelling, but not active.
» Original Esophogeal Cancer tumor (source of everything) -- Surgically removed June/2010 by 3-field Esophogectomy. Was roughly large egg sized.

[ Note: 2.54 cm = 25.4mm = 1 inch ]

5 pictures included in album

2011_11_16, Shane in BIG CHAIR

Link to 34 surgery June 2010 pictures and some post surgery shots.

Latest Picture

Latest Picture
Shane - 2011_11_27, Photo Shoot lighting prep

Friday, April 23, 2010

A blog was requested, so here it is.

As people reading this blog probably already know, I have cancer. It is in the lower esophagus and I'm currently undergoing diagnosis to find out just how bad, or early stage, the cancer may be.

  • Late Jan, early Feb, I started having what I thought was mid back pains that needed a chiropractic appointment. One was a particularly sharp pain. So I had a chiropractic adjustment... no help. Later that week food stuck in my throat just before my stomach, hurt, and made me rush for a drink to flush it through. Twice in one week + the back pain in the same place made me think this wasn't normal.
  • First or 2nd week of Feb, went to see my family doctor, Dr. Michael Gilbert. He gave me some prescription antacids and booked an endoscopy (scope) for a month and a half later.
  • Apr 6th: First scope - Dr. Sawhney took a biopsy and a blood test for analysis. His comments to me at the time afterwords were "I found something ulcer like, but it looks weird." That wasn't encouraging, considering hes done this 100s of times in the past. Either it was an ulcer or it wasn't right? Or maybe it could be multiple things?
  • Thu Apr 15th: My follow-up appointment with Dr. Sawhney revealed that there were cancer cells present. No other information was given. I think he had read the report just before telling me, and he looked more shocked and dismayed than I did and seemed at a loss for words. (Least encouraging sign so far.) He said he'd never seen such a thing in someone as young as I (36 yrs old) and that most doctors would not have even have sent me for a scope. That's when I told him the scope was my idea, not Dr. Gilbert's.
  • Fri Apr 16th. Dr. Sawhney managed to get me quickly into a CT scan at the Milton hospital. I have a copy of the disk. It's 580+ MB of images of my innards from my neck to my lower intestines in case anyone wants to see it. I found it quite facinating, but honestly couldn't see anything in the trouble area that struck me as being a growth. But I had no healthy image to compare it against.
  • Mon Apr 19th. First consult with Surgeon John Miller, head of McMaster University's thoracic surgery division and head thoracic surgeon at St. Joseph's hospital in Hamilton. He made me understand that the cancer wasn't just a lump but rather a thickening around the entire esophagus wall and in parts of the upper stomach wall lining. He suggested that chemotherapy for 2 months followed by surgery may be the required steps, but that further testing would be required before that is finally decided on.
  • Mon Apr 19th. Kaye and I finally have the kick in the pants to get our Will & Testament and Power of Attorney filled with a lawyer (Richard Furlong in Milton).
  • Tue Apr 20th, worked. But didn't get much done. A lot of interruptions by people asking questions, consoling me and looking shocked.
  • Wed Apr 21st. Dentist, apparently radiation and chemo treatments require insanely clean teeth (especially radiation therapy, which I don't know if I'll be having yet).
  • Thu Apr 22nd. 2nd endoscopy (throat,stomach) and bronchialscopy (lungs) done by Dr. John Miller, my oncologist.
    Also saw a dietitian. They have me on "ensure" or "boost" liquid meal / vitamin replacements to suplement my body's supply of vitamins for when I have surgery and can't eat for 5 days, or for chemo, whichever happens first.
  • Fri, Apr 23rd. Working from home so I can actually get some work done today. Also started this blog at Debbie's request.


  1. Dude. Thank you. Waaaay better than getting the info second- or third-hand. Not to mention a very efficient way to transmit info., and a very effective way for the whole family to see any responses to it.
    This is very much appreciated.

  2. OMG Shayne, thank you for sharing; I'm numb & speechless with tears in my eyes. I haven't seen you two in quite a while but at times swap comments with Kaye at times on FB. My thoughts and prayers will be with you, Kaye and your family as you travel down this very difficult road that lies ahead. The power of the mind, body and spirit is great and I'm sure that your black belt training and discipline will help you to see yourself through. Colleen Broderick

  3. Hi Shane,

    I was stunned and saddened to learn that you have cancer. I'm betting that the strength of your character will help you beat this.


  4. Hey Cous,
    Thinking of you and your Lovely Family at this time. You are in my thoughts.
    Great idea on the Blog as everyone knows when news travels through our family circle it gets somewhat distorted at the other end.
    Keep your head up!
    Stacy Boyce

  5. My thoughts are with you and your family... I was just informed of this today. If I can be of assistance please contact me.

    Derek R. Down

  6. hey gals,guys;

    this a big hello from the eastcoast I finally figured out this blog stuff I hate new things
    all this social networking stuff anyhow I have it linked to my smartphone Moto Milestone (android os) hey Debbie drop me a email ( Otay Shane keep your head up MY preyers and thoughs are with you
    may the Goddess bless thee and keep thee safe

