Short Executive Status (Summary) -- Blog is below

Active Tumors:
5+ liver tumors -- largest is 7 cm by 5.2 cm (70 x 52 mm), Gold tracers inserted Nov 21 for CyberKnife x-ray 3D movement tracking. Thu Dec 1st,2011, CyberKnife planning. Dec 16th, treatment 1/3 done to whole liver. Dec 19th, treatment 2/3 done to whole liver. Dec 21st, treatment 3 failed, couldn't get tracer alignment. Dec 22nd, treatment 2.5/3 done using 2 of 4 tracers. Final 0.5 treatment was to be done Tue Dec 27th. Cancelled due to complications and hospitalization.

12 lung tumors -- largest is 8 mm in size (0.8 cm)

1 lymph node tumor -- near left renal vein & artery of left kidney (1.4 cm). Nov 14th: Ultrasound done of both kidneys and bladder area, all 3 areas are cancer free.

» 3rd-8th brain tumors -- 6 new brain tumors. Sizes all less than 5mm(0.5cm). Some as small as 2mm(0.2cm). Full brain radiation or CyberKnife TBD in Jan after 2nd MRI to see speed of growth.

Inactive Tumors:
» 2nd brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife Sep 29/2011, 5 mm in size (0.5 cm).
» 1st brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife May/2011, was 20 mm in size (2 cm). Nov 21st, still showing brain tissue swelling, but not active.
» Original Esophogeal Cancer tumor (source of everything) -- Surgically removed June/2010 by 3-field Esophogectomy. Was roughly large egg sized.

[ Note: 2.54 cm = 25.4mm = 1 inch ]

5 pictures included in album

2011_11_16, Shane in BIG CHAIR

Link to 34 surgery June 2010 pictures and some post surgery shots.

Latest Picture

Latest Picture
Shane - 2011_11_27, Photo Shoot lighting prep

Thursday, October 6, 2011

2011-10-04: Results of CT scan, not good

  • Had to take dexamethasone (half of 4 mg tablet) on Monday and Tuesday for headache / brain swelling.
  • Tuesday night, didn't get any sleep at all. Wednesday attempts to sleep during the day failed.
  • Wednesday night (Thu morning) managed to get a good nights sleep
  • No headache on Wed (even without the sleep), so no dexamethasone (also no dex. on Thu.)
CT Scan of neck to pelvis area:
  • Right lung, up to 8 nodules noted. Largest is 8 mm. Many nodules are 2 to 4 mm larger than last scan.
  • Left lung, up to 4 nodules noted. Size not indicated, so smaller than right lung nodules.
  • Liver lesions have increased in number
  • Largest liver lesion in left lobe measures 7 x 5.2 cm
  • Largest liver lesion in right lobe measures 5.5 x 5.4 cm. 
  • There is a new soft tissue that is likely a new lesion / nodule on the left paraaortic lymphadenopathy. (aka a lymph node near the main aorta).
  • Good news: Stomach and intestines are fine. No mediastinal, hilar or retrocrural lymphadenopathy (sounds good, don't ask me what it means). No pleural or pericardial effusions. No abnormal axillary lymph nodes detected. Nothing in the spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands or the left kidney. Right kidney shows some nodules that aren't growing and are likely cysts. No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy. Nothing in the urinary bladder, prostate or seminal vesicles. No free fluid in the abdomen or pelvis. Small and large bowels are clear. Nothing in the bone (Yay! I hear bone cancer hurts a lot.).
 So good news! I have areas that are still without cancer! Wahoo! ...

Well, the blood work came back good. My liver and other organs are all still functioning. I apparently have lots of lung and liver left, so I'll be around for many months still. However, my main doctor wasn't there today, so I can't discuss new alternatives, just the CT and lab work results.

So no chemotherapy today, as it isn't working. I've scheduled a new doctor's appointment for Tuesday with my actual doctor so that new treatments can be discussed. Or I just go treatmentless and let nature take its course.

We'll see.



  1. Medical glossary: (pertaining to)
    mediastinal - the area between organs/area containing heart, trachea, esophagus.
    hilar - area surrounding bottom of lungs
    retrocrural - back of thigh around femoral artery area
    lymphadenopathy - disease of the lymph nodes
    (the radiologist is reporting that Shane has no cancer in his lymph nodes for those areas)
    pleural - the lining surrounding the lungs
    pericardial - the lining surrounding the heart
    effusions - fluids
    (the radiologist is reporting that Shane doesn't have any fluids in the linings of the lung/heart. This is significant because if he does, then it means there's cancer or something that is interfering with his normal fluid circulation and drainage)

    I have to commend everybody who's following Shane's blog. Yes, I know that it's very scary to watch Shane's cancer taking over Shane's body. Just be assured that it's not taking over Shane's life. It's merely a horrible party crasher who is getting progressively more drunk and rude and is going to end the party sooner than we like. Thanks for all of the support, love and friendship that everybody has given to Shane, to the kids and to me. It's been a year and a half since this irrevocable change in our lives and I don't think that we would have weathered it well... this far without you all.

  2. sending LOVE from our family to your family...
