Short Executive Status (Summary) -- Blog is below

Active Tumors:
5+ liver tumors -- largest is 7 cm by 5.2 cm (70 x 52 mm), Gold tracers inserted Nov 21 for CyberKnife x-ray 3D movement tracking. Thu Dec 1st,2011, CyberKnife planning. Dec 16th, treatment 1/3 done to whole liver. Dec 19th, treatment 2/3 done to whole liver. Dec 21st, treatment 3 failed, couldn't get tracer alignment. Dec 22nd, treatment 2.5/3 done using 2 of 4 tracers. Final 0.5 treatment was to be done Tue Dec 27th. Cancelled due to complications and hospitalization.

12 lung tumors -- largest is 8 mm in size (0.8 cm)

1 lymph node tumor -- near left renal vein & artery of left kidney (1.4 cm). Nov 14th: Ultrasound done of both kidneys and bladder area, all 3 areas are cancer free.

» 3rd-8th brain tumors -- 6 new brain tumors. Sizes all less than 5mm(0.5cm). Some as small as 2mm(0.2cm). Full brain radiation or CyberKnife TBD in Jan after 2nd MRI to see speed of growth.

Inactive Tumors:
» 2nd brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife Sep 29/2011, 5 mm in size (0.5 cm).
» 1st brain tumor -- Killed via CyberKnife May/2011, was 20 mm in size (2 cm). Nov 21st, still showing brain tissue swelling, but not active.
» Original Esophogeal Cancer tumor (source of everything) -- Surgically removed June/2010 by 3-field Esophogectomy. Was roughly large egg sized.

[ Note: 2.54 cm = 25.4mm = 1 inch ]

5 pictures included in album

2011_11_16, Shane in BIG CHAIR

Link to 34 surgery June 2010 pictures and some post surgery shots.

Latest Picture

Latest Picture
Shane - 2011_11_27, Photo Shoot lighting prep

Friday, January 28, 2011

Return to work day confirmed as Feb 14th.

RBC insurance and my doctor have confirmed I'm good to go for a return to work the week of Feb 14th. I have to call HR at Gennum next week to confirm days I'll be attending with them.

I'm up another pound to 113 lbs now. I'm averaging about a pound increase per week since end of Chemo.

I've also started exercising and have joined something called the 100 push-up training program to assist a partner in BC, Canada (or maybe he's joined it to help give me incentive, but asked the other way around so I wouldn't suspect?)  . The goal is to achieve 100 push-ups in a single go by 6-8 weeks into the program. It may take me longer, as I have to go easy, but I'm currently at 20 in one go without stressing my body too much, so it should be doable. Especially since I'm so light.

Other than pushups, today, my 3rd day of exercise since I began exercising on the 21st of Jan, I managed to do: 50 stride jumps, the 20 push ups of the 100 push up trial, 15 sit ups, 10 leg raises, 10 lunges per leg. I'm not going to complete muscle failure. Just until it starts to get difficult but I still have strength left. I don't want to stress out my body too much yet since it is so soon after Chemo.



  1. yippee...we are looking forward to seeing you at work. Good luck with your push-ups...maybe I should look in to that too!! lol...girlie ones for me though.

  2. Great news Shane! It is awesome to hear you have a return to work date.

  3. Excellent, Shane.
    Very happy to hear that recovery is progressing so well.
    Just go gently, though. Don't push too hard. Give yourself time to heal.
